Friday, November 11, 2011

Church Planting Movement

One of the most enriching aspects of deputation is the ability to see Christ at work in local churches.  We have now been in over twenty distinct churches, and in every case God is at work.  At times it is more subtle, while in other occasions it is quite obvious.  We are given a front row seat as we travel from church to church.  Perhaps our front row view is more like a roller coaster vista for we see both the up and down times for churches.  Some bodies of believers are searching for a pastor while others are being fed from God's Word in a systematic manner.  In every case, however, Christ is at work leading and growing His people in grace.

The more time we spend in local churches, the more our desire to be part of Christ’s work of grace in Spain strengthens.  Our passion is to facilitate a church planting movement in the Northwestern region of Spain.  One day, in perhaps the not so distant future, we will begin to see a body of Spanish believers with the desire to be discipled and to grow into a church. This church will have a "church-planting DNA ingrained in them from their inception" (Viral Church, Stezter & Bird p. 161).  Built into the DNA of any church ought to be the Gospel for it is at the heart beat of God for His worship and this compels multiplication.  Our desire is to lead believers through the systematic training of God's Word and enable them to rise up as leaders in their church.  We pray they will catch the vision of planting more churches for God’s glory.  We covet your prayers in this endeavor.

Leaders in a local church
Iglesia Evangélica Bautista de Tormes
Northwestern Region of Castilla y Leon

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