Thursday, October 20, 2011

La Universidad de Salamanca

One of the oldest universities in Europe resides in Salamanca, Spain, and hosts more than 31,000 students each year.  The university boasts of being a “focal point of culture and learning” since its founding in 1218 A.D.   Many renowned men have come from La Universidad de Salamanca.  The famous author, Miguel de Cervantes, who wrote “Don Quixote," graduated from this university.  And if I might brag a little, Lorena received her degree from the University of Salamanca in 2009 with a B. A. in Occupational Therapy.  This center of academia remains a prestigious school for not only the Spanish but also for many foreign exchange students.  In fact, during our deputation we have met parents who have had children in this university. 

The university, more significantly, has also become a focal point for ministry.  One of our future coworkers, Jodi Harrison, has targeted this ministry.  Working under Campus Bible Fellowship of Baptist Mid-Missions, Jodi has determined to integrate herself into this academic world and culture so as to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in Spain) wrote an article figuring that of the 78,000 University students in this region approximately 50 know Christ as their Savior. That’s over 1,500 unsaved students for every one Christian student.

Lorena and I had the chance to spend a few days with Jodi while in the New England area and to hear of her excitement for the joy of the Gospel in the University of Salamanca.  We are eager to one day work with Jodi for the glory of God in Spain.  Check out her website at or send her an email at

Lorena on Graduation Day
Jodi Harrison

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