Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quebec, Canada

Bonjour  from Quebec, Canada.  We have been here visiting family and speaking in their church just outside Quebec City.  It is the first time I have had to be translated.  Not that I am always easily understood in English!  As a young people, we always were the ones doing the translating for pastors or friends that came to visit us in Peru or Spain, but now I needed my brother-in-law, Benoit, to translate into French. 

Being here reminded us of Spain.  In many ways Quebec and Spain resemble each other…cobblestones, quaint shops, and even a castle. But what stood out the most was their spiritual state.  Believers here in Quebec quickly understood when I said the Spanish are like Catholic atheists.  For in Quebec people claim Catholicism but practically God does not exist to them.  Our hearts are knit together understanding the need for the joy of the Gospel in both Quebec and Spain. 

We also wanted to share with you two pieces of good news.  First, our teammates, Scott and Juli, welcomed Dominic Joel into the world last Tuesday morning.  He weighed 6 pounds and measured 19 ½ inches.  The second piece of good news is that our support jumped this week from 11% to 13.5%.  Every time it jumps it puts us closer to Spain and makes us just a bit more excited.  Thank you for partnering in praying with us.

Deputation is a daunting task, but..."to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever an ever. Amen." Eph. 3:20, 21

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