Saturday, July 23, 2011

Candidate Seminar

Tax ramifications and government red tape for living in a foreign country are just not my particular field of expertise.  For the last week and half Lorena and I have saturated our minds in the Baptist Mid-Missions candidate seminar in Cleveland, Ohio.  We have been exposed to more legal documents than a mind should  be allowed to assimilate.  Both of us were missionary children, and we never would have guessed the massive amount of information our parents needed to know before moving to their respective mission fields.  It would be close to impossible for us to keep track of at minimum 10% of what our mission agency cares for us.  

With us during our training are Scott and Juli Fulks, our teammates.  Every evening after eight hours of candidate school, we have either prayed together, laughed together, or sorted through hours of video footage and images for a our dvd presentation.   Both Scott and Juli have encouraged us so much.  Almost every idea, pondering, vision, or insight is bounced off of them.  We could not have asked God for more fitting teammates.

To add to our excitement during our time here, we met a third couple now decided to go to Spain.  Jonathan and Hannah Romaine have exciting testimonies of God's grace.  We are thrilled to work on the same mission field as the Romaines and see His undeserving goodness in all our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just found your blog. Did you know that Jonathan and Hannah Romaine are sent out of our home church? It is really a blessing that so many missionaries are on there way to Spain.
    Daniel Darling
