Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Church Campout

So where were we this weekend?  We spent the whole weekend camping out with our church.  Some had a different idea of what camping looked like (tent vs. camper).  Which ever form chosen, it was a great time to spend strengthening and deepening our relationship with our sending church.  We are so blessed to be part of Living Stone Baptist Church.  As frail as Lorena and myself are, we need a body of believers to encourage us along our journey.  Tim, our pastor, has been wisely pushing me throughout the internship and refining my thinking along the way.  Living Stone has already begun to encourage us by praying that we would be able to make connections with churches to share our ministry.  

Well, their prayers are certainly effective.  If you take a look at our calendar you can count at least eleven different churches we will be at in the next five months.  Any open dates are filled with missionary training at BMM, a visit to family, back at our home church for a short rest, or simply waiting to be filled.  So the campout this past weekend seems to be the calm before the storm.  

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