Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our Teammates

So who are our teammates?  The last time I introduced Scott and Juli Fulks was at our church a couple months ago.  I was so excited that I told our church I felt like a little kid at “show and tell” with his little teddy bear.  Unintentionally I called Scott a teddy bear!  Well, he is much more than this.  Scott is first of all my cousin.  Like it or not he is family.  But Scott through the last eight years has been my best friend, pointing me continually to Christ.  

We studied together at Northland International University where he met his wife Juli.  All three of us shared similar stories since we grew up in Latin America.  Scott and I in Peru while Juli in Ecuador.  We often found ourselves on campus speaking only Spanish and talking about missions. 

During college, Scott and I contemplated ministry together in Peru.  But God separately began to work on our hearts and minds causing us to consider other fields.  We both visited Spain and several other countries.  For many reasons Spain, however became our focus for missions.  We then seriously began to pray about going as a team. All through our seminary years (four to be exact) we prayed and consider this new field for ministry.  When Lorena became my wife, we formed a team of four Spanish-speaking, missionary kids eager to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Yes, we look very much alike!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a GREAT TEAM! We are already praying for you guys and for your future ministry in Spain!
