Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Every Good Gift

We are convinced that we cannot accomplish anything apart from the power of God at work through prayer. Recently our teammates reminded us of this important lesson.  So we have been spending time praying with them via Skype and asking Him to continue to work in our lives and for a Church Planting Movement in Spain. Matthew 9:38 prompts us to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” We continue reliant upon Him in His mission.

God is at work in our lives, and so we want to share with you tangible ways in which God is answering our prayers. Too often we forget to inform when God answers prayer.  In regards to support, we have picked up more partners in the last two weeks.  To give you an idea how our support continues to move up, we started early last year with 4%, then jumped up to 11%, and finished 2011 with 17%. Today we are at 27%. Our contentment, whether in plenty or in need, derives from Christ. Philippians 4:11 "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."

Also, God has continually protected us while driving through the four seasons in our little, green van. Thank you for praying for our safety on the road. You might be asking, "So why do you have a mini van if there are only two of you?"  Correction: THREE.  Yep, that's right.  We have one on the way, and we are more than thrilled about this answer to our prayers. Lorena is about fourteen weeks along in her pregnancy.

We praise Him for every good gift (James 1:17) and remain dependent upon Him. Thank you for continually going before our heavenly Father on our behalf

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Means of Evangelism

"Wouldn't it be much more convenient if we could just get married and divorced at the notary?" This is the question some couples and notaries in Spain have been posing, and it is a controversial subject today in Spain. Here is one article that at least broaches the topic.  As you will read, some view marriage as a simple, contractual arrangement.  
The Gospel, however, tells us that marriage is far beyond a mere contract. In fact, God’s Word changes how we understand marriage, because marriage provides us with picture of something supremely more important: namely the Gospel.  Ephesians 5:25 informs husbands who are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. He gave himself up in an unconditional love for them.  Husbands live out the Gospel as a testimony or picture of Jesus Christ's willing, sacrificial love for us, which exceeds a contract.  

Lorena and I want our marriage to be this picture.  As we live in the heart of Spanish society, our marriage will be inevitably scrutinized.  Not only must our conversation deal with the Gospel, but also our actions must reflect the Gospel. Marriage is more than a mere contractual agreement between two individuals; it is among other important aspects, a means of evangelism