Thursday, March 31, 2011

Intentional Relationship Building

A few people have asked us what our strategy is while on deputation.  Typically they ask it like this, “How do you plan to raise the support needed for missions in Spain?”  I explain that our strategy for raising support begins by focusing on building friendships and relationships wherever we go.  In fact this is what Paul seems to model in the book of Acts and even in his letters to supporting churches.  It is clear that his relationship with the church at Philippi was not one sided.  Paul invested just as much in these believers as they did in his ministry.  In fact, Paul knew the believers by name and their struggles; while the Philippians shared Paul’s vision and partnered with him.

 Our desire too is to partner with churches and individuals that share our desire for the joy of the Gospel in Spain.  This first begins by building relationships.  We want to be intentional with these friendships so as to make them lasting and meaningful.  This takes time and great effort not only for us but for the churches.  Even now we are experiencing the delight of creating friendships with people.  All this is done for the joy of sharing the Gospel here and in Spain. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Faith Baptist Church in Salisbury Maryland

We just got home from driving three hours from Salisbury, Maryland.  For most of the three hours I attempted to consider what all I should say in this update.  There is so much going on in our minds.  First of all it was an awesome experience for us.  Friday evening I was able to give a presentation on Spain and then preach in their missions conference.  Saturday afternoon I spent an hour picking Pastor Reinert’s mind while he stacked wood for next winter. 
We made new friends at Faith Baptist Church and curiously made unexpected connections with people we knew.  In point of fact this church happened to be the home church of an exchange student (Dan Lembeck) in Salamanca, Spain.  He is currently interning with the Albrights and taking classes at the University of Salamanca.  We had no clue until Friday afternoon that this was his church.  Dan, if you read this, your parents are proud of you and miss you. It was such an exciting weekend for us. Thank you to all who were praying for us.
Display Table

Monday, March 21, 2011

Off We Go

Well, this weekend begins officially our start to deputation.  We get to share our burden for mission in Spain for the very first time at Faith Baptist Church in Salisbury Maryland.  What a thrill it is to be able to share God’s Word and share our desire to see men, women, and children hear the joy of the Gospel.  Please pray for us as it is a new experience.  We have much to learn.  I still remember as a kid going with dad to visit churches and setting up the display table, helping get out all the prayer cards, and listening to him tell of his passion for the Gospel in Peru.  Now it’s my turn.  Pray for us!